
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2018


1. Do some research and explain the origin of the North-Korean communist regime.  After World War II Korea was divided in two , the southern part governed by the U.S.A and the northern governed by the Sovietic Union . Both leaders wanted the control of the whole Korea and in 1950 the North Korean forces tried to invade South Korea . The U.S.A counterattacked and in 1953 both parts signed an agreement. After of this , the two Koreas were established and the North Korean comunist regime has reached our days .   2. Find three recent news about North Korea from different digital newspapers and include the headings and the links to them.                       - USA TODAY:     https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/27/world/asia/north-korea-south-kim-jong-un.html                    U.S., North Korea hammer out summit agenda — and South Korea might join in ...


                                               HIGHEST LIFE EXPENTANCY                                                                                             LOWEST LIFE EXPENTANCY  Longevity is something that is increasing more and more with the years . This is because of the medical progress and the improving lifestyle of people . The effect of this is a higher life expectancy .  To start with I would like to say that the higher life expectancy is around the developed countries . This could be because developed countries a better medical service . Some example of this this medical advanced services are antbiotics , organ...


Migration is the movement of people from one place to another.  The most common migration routes in the world are the Eastern Mediterranean route, the Mediterranean Sea route, the Central American route and the Southeast Asian route. I have chosen the Southeast Asian Rute. Political upheaval—including Muslim Rohingya refugees who have fled political repression in Myanmar—restrictive migration policies, and a lack of legal frameworks for refugees have made Southeast Asia increasingly dangerous for migrants. Human trafficking, forced labor and other abuses are also rife in the region, according to the UN. Earlier this year the International Organization for Migration estimated that some 6,000 people fleeing Myanmar and Bangladesh were stranded at sea on overcrowded fishing boats controlled by smugglers in the Andaman Sea and the Strait of Malacca off the coasts of Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. The IOM also estimates that 94,000 migrants have set off by se...


The pyramid to analyze is of an unknown country in 2012. I´m going to start with the sex structure. We can see that more boys are born than girls. But we can also see that both sexes have the same level in the age of 40-44.We can also see that women have higher life expentancy.It could because of the different jobs and life styles women and men had.Men have always had more risky and dangerous jobs and have also practised extreme sports more than girls.  Now, I´m going to analyze the age extructure of the pyramid . We can see that is a stage 2 and 3 pyramid . We can say this because of the birth rate . Also the pyramid shows a low death rate and a not very high life expentancy.The biggest group is in ages 25-29 and the most regular incluned between ages 5-34 (which is a caracteristic of stationary pyramids) . This pyramid belongs to developing countries . We cannot explain very well the causes of the bumps and notches because we don´t know what country we are talking about ....


To begin , I would like to say thet the main countries Spain inmigrants from are Morocco , Romania and Ecuador. There are lots of factors that are atractive to inmigrants. The most important ones are usually economic , because Spain offeres them better life conditions than their origin countries.Some of these factors are:   -Better economic situation : Sapin is more economically developed.   -Better salaries : Spain´s jobs are better payed. There are also not economic  factors that atract retired inmigrants. For example:  -Good climate.  -Coastal areas. Inmigrants from go to different countries , usually in the European Union , but they also go to countries in America and in the U.K. Some of the reasons of this are that this countries offer them better salaries and more stable jobs.  Hoja de cálculo : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q3EH_gUckPLHQSXx6e07dG39vMs7ncLOodCV51gMreY/edit?usp=sharing


1. Summarize in a few lines the documentary.  The documentary shows the travell of illegal immigrants that take the train from Latin America looking for jobs and a better life at the other side of the border with the USA. During the , they can be kidnapped, robbered and killed. Also, the police is often corrupt and help the mafias coercing the inmigrants. As a consecuence , it is very difficult to reach their destination, and if they reach it they often have to change their identity. 2. Why is the train called the Beast?  Because it is very dangerous and if you fall down it can amputate your arms or legs or kill you. 3. What countries are the immigrants from? Where do they go?  They are usually from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa rica, Salvador, Honduras, Brazzil, Panama and Ecuador. They go to the USA or close countries. 4. What is the academic and professional experience of the immigrants?  They hardly ever have studies because their origin countries don´t h...