The pyramid to analyze is of an unknown country in 2012.

I´m going to start with the sex structure. We can see that more boys are born than girls. But we can also see that both sexes have the same level in the age of 40-44.We can also see that women have higher life expentancy.It could because of the different jobs and life styles women and men had.Men have always had more risky and dangerous jobs and have also practised extreme sports more than girls.

 Now, I´m going to analyze the age extructure of the pyramid . We can see that is a stage 2 and 3 pyramid . We can say this because of the birth rate . Also the pyramid shows a low death rate and a not very high life expentancy.The biggest group is in ages 25-29 and the most regular incluned between ages 5-34 (which is a caracteristic of stationary pyramids) . This pyramid belongs to developing countries .
We cannot explain very well the causes of the bumps and notches because we don´t know what country we are talking about . Despite this we could say that notches are caused by years of crisis and emigration of the inhabitants and the bumps could be caused by years of political progress .
