1. Do some research and explain the origin of the North-Korean communist regime.

 After World War II Korea was divided in two , the southern part governed by the U.S.A and the northern governed by the Sovietic Union .
Both leaders wanted the control of the whole Korea and in 1950 the North Korean forces tried to invade South Korea . The U.S.A counterattacked and in 1953 both parts signed an agreement.

After of this , the two Koreas were established and the North Korean comunist regime has reached our days .  

2. Find three recent news about North Korea from different digital newspapers and include the headings and the links to them.

          - USA TODAY:
         U.S., North Korea hammer out summit agenda — and South Korea might join in

          - BBC:
         North Korea pledges to dismantle nuclear site in May ceremony

3. What are the names of the North-Korean leaders mentioned in the documentary? Who is the current leader of the country? 

Kim Il Sung was the Leader of North Korea from 1948 to 1994.
His son, Kim Jong Il was the leader of North Korea until 2011.
And the actual leader of the country is Kim Jong Un.

4. What are the instruments used by this leaders to mantein this dictatorial regime?

Some of these instruments are the insolation of the inhabitants , the restriction of real information and the inhabitants are taught to follow the leader´s orders .

5. What´s the meaning of the word "Gulag"?Where does it come from? Is there anything similiar in North Korea?

Gulag means Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps . In Korea, people are sent here if they have done something that the leader doesn´t like with the objetive of been reeducated. People with discapacities go there too.

6. According to the video, what are the main characteristics of a dictatorship?

The scarcity of freedom, rights and liberties. The leader has all the powers of the state but it´s no chosen by the inhabitants . There are none or only one newspapers or TV´s programmes and they talk about the regime.

7. Compare the life of a North-Korean family with your own. In addition, try to describe the life of a North-Korean teenager of your same age.

A North Korean family cannot do the vast moyority of the things that mine can , such as buy the things we want , wacht the programms we want or reading what we want.
And comparising a North Korean teenager with mine I see that I can choose the education I want or practising the sports I like but they no .
