
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019

La Amistad

What is the movie about? Summarize the plot of the film mentioning the main characters.  This film tells the story of a large group of Africans who travel in a ship called 'La amistad'. They have been captured for slavery back at their homes, and they mutiny and manage to take control of their captors in order to return to Africa. However, the US Coast Guard troops intercept them and they are finally transferred to the United States, where they are tried for the murder of two of the people on the ship. They remain in prison waiting for their trial to be held, while one of the slaves, Joseph Cinqué, starts working with a lawyer to abolish slavery of all kinds. The trial is full of enlightment ideas and testimonies are overwhelming. A judge acts at first in favour of the slaves, and the slave traders appeal to the Supreme Court. At the very final trial, ex president John Quincy Adams gives a speech based on principles of justice, freedom and equality that convinces the Court and...

La Guerra de Independencia

¿Qué supuso el Tratado de Fontainebleau (1807)? El tratado de Fontainebleau implicó que las tropas francesas, unos 25000 hombres, pudieran penetrar en España, supuestamente camino de Portugal. Sin embargo, Napoleón decidió ocupar toda la península ibérica. Perseguía varios fines, como comerciar libremente con las Américas o imponer un bloqueo naval a través de Cádiz, Lisboa y Barcelona. Esto desembocó en un conflicto, conocido como la Guerra de la Independencia. ¿Qué bandos se enfrentaron en la Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814)? En dicha guerra se enfrentaron españoles versus invasores. Los españoles más afrancesados (simpatizantes de las ideas ilustradas) se dividieron entre patriotas y partidarios de Napoleón y su hermano José I. Este enfrentamiento desencadenó una guerra civil. ¿Qué dos grupos integraban el bando "patriota"? ¿Qué los caracteriza? Los patriotas tenían diferentes concepciones en cuanto a ideología política: existían los absolutistas, que defen...

Goya The Witches' Sabbath

American Declaration of Independece

The United States' Declaration of Independence was written on the 4th og July, 1776. It was signed by representatives of the 13 colonies as a response to years of abuses and harrassmrnts from the British. It was believed to be completely necessary and respectful to both God's and Natural Law. I agree with historian Howard Zinn that this Declaration was just a weapon used by the upper classes of society to create an army of people willing to fight the English, protecting this way the economical interests of the priviledged. The document argued that the natural state of mankind is freedom, and that the British King went against this freedom. According to Enlightenment principles, men have been given certain rights by God and these were inalienable. Among these rights were life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Enlightenment movement promoted individual liberty, freedom of expression and democracy. We can see these included in the document, that agrees with most phi...