
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2017


 A climate graph is the graphic representation of the temperature and precipitations of a place over the course of a year.The temperatures are represented with a red line while precipitations are shown with vertical blue bars.  In first place I would like to talk about the precipitations. The total rainfall is about 477 Pmm that is a scarce total rainfall. The distribution is irregular because there are 4 arid months.  Secondly I would talk about the temperature. The annual average is about 16.9ºC,making it a warm place and we know that is in Extremadura .Winters are mild and summers are hot.  Then,aplicating De Martone Index,we can know that is a semi-arid climate. And finally we can say that is an inland area with a high temperature range (17ºC).  CLIMATE GRAPHS OF SPAIN:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sOrBm4aHSUZFxxEwDZXUVWJV6w1F3fFw5YLeHeYdCK0/edit?usp=sharing


A topographic profile is the graphic representation of the relief of an area , obtained by cutting transversely the contour lines of a topographic map.My topographic profile goes from Macizo Galaico to Cabo de Gata. It crosses Macizo Galaico , Montes de León , the Plateau , Central System , Montes de Toledo and Cordilleras Béticas. Macizo Galaico: Its origin lies in the Alpine movement, which broke this area of the socket, it rose and then it swung westward.It´s altitude is about 500 metres. Montes de León: It was originated from a large bulge of the socket that formed the Iberian massif herciniano, and that was fractured during the Alpine orogeny. His mountains are blocks with soft tops, in which the highest are over 2000 metres high. The Plateau: It was formed because of tectonic movements.It has a flat relief and it is between 600 and 700 metres high. Central System: It is a large area elevated within the old Paleozoic socket , raised by the Alpine orogeny.It's f...