La Amistad
What is the movie about? Summarize the plot of the film mentioning the main characters. This film tells the story of a large group of Africans who travel in a ship called 'La amistad'. They have been captured for slavery back at their homes, and they mutiny and manage to take control of their captors in order to return to Africa. However, the US Coast Guard troops intercept them and they are finally transferred to the United States, where they are tried for the murder of two of the people on the ship. They remain in prison waiting for their trial to be held, while one of the slaves, Joseph Cinqué, starts working with a lawyer to abolish slavery of all kinds. The trial is full of enlightment ideas and testimonies are overwhelming. A judge acts at first in favour of the slaves, and the slave traders appeal to the Supreme Court. At the very final trial, ex president John Quincy Adams gives a speech based on principles of justice, freedom and equality that convinces the Court and...